7/100 - Don't Be Afraid To Start Over

By Melissa - Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Many live unfulfilled lives and settle with subpar standards because the idea of beginning again terrifies them. Which, let me tell you, is perfectly normal.

Why should one give up certainty for uncertainty? Why should one trade constant stability for capricious passion? No reason to.

But, what if I guaranteed you success and fulfilment? Would you be willing to step out of your comfort zone then?

See, the fear of failure does more damage (to our dreams) than actual failure.

If we knew of the end in the beginning, if we were promised triumph for every trial, we wouldn’t hesitate (as much) to take on something new.

That’s not how Life works. That’s not how Life should be enjoyed.

Wherever you are in your journey at this moment, I pray that you’ll have the courage to start over.

A blank page. An empty canvass. A different city. A new country.

Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to start over. Who knows, the greatest adventure of your life is a story / brushstroke / flight away...

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